Final Experimental Film

This is the last edit, and its the most experimental one I’ve done as it includes reverses, speed ups and a bit more moving about of the different clips so it looks a lot more experimental than any other edits that I had done and I feel this is the best one out of the whole lot.

As I believe I have shown off more of my skills in editing on this last edit compared to the very first one as my editing skills are starting to improve a lot more.

Artist that I based my experimental film on

I looked at various youtube videos of people’s daily routines, to see how they had filmed them, and I tried to reimagine it in my own way as I thought it was an interesting idea to do and even though it had probably been done a lot, I wanted to try and do it in my own way and put my own spin on it.

I took inspiration from a few different parts of both of these videos, the one of the left he’s going to catch a train and he’s filming his feet as he’s walking which I did and the one on the right he’s brushing his teeth and he’s about to go for a shower which I sort of put in mine.

The difference between mine and these they both have a lot more editing experience than I do and they both use a lot of time lapses or speed it up a lot which I didn’t do in mine which I probably should and to see how it turns out and see how it looks if it changes anything in my film.

Research For Experimental Film

Before I did the idea of the bike wheel I tried to come up with a few different ideas on what I could do it on, because the brief was, we had to take photos of an object or make one that spins and make it into a gif to look like it was moving, so I thought about doing a dog running for a ball, someone running a long somewhere, a car wheel going, a bike wheel turning, and a rugby scrum or a line out to see how they would look.

The two ideas I went with were the rugby scrum/line out or the bike wheel spinning as I thought that these would be the most effective out of the options that I had thought about and they would be the easiest to capture out of the many options that I had thought of.

The rugby scrum did work and it turned out ok, but it didn’t look as good as the bike wheel turning because it wasn’t as stable as the bike wheel spinning and it kept moving as I had taken photos of it compared to the bike wheel which worked really well.

I didn’t attempt to do the dog trying to catch something as I thought it would have been too difficult to film as sometimes my dog fetches stuff and sometimes he doesn’t so trying to capture that would have been very difficult.

Also, the car wheels moving would have been very difficult to be able to produce as well to be able to keep up with the car moving as the wheels are spinning as well.

1st Edit Experimental Film

this is my experimental film where I filmed my daily routine, it was all in order and then I mixed it all up to make it experimental.

I put the music over it as I thought it went quite well with the video and the song is hold on me by Kaasi.

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