Creating a Grungy Feeling to my Photos

I wanted to create a grungy feeling because I believe that it would have made the photos more interesting and look a lot darker in that sense, I decided to do more grungy photos after we found a couple of different locations, such as a grungy old car park that is barely used and a couple of different abandoned buildings, as I thought the photos would turn out really nicely which they did.

Also, to get grungy photos it isn’t as simple as you may think because you have to think more about what you stand like, where you look, what you want to perceive through the lens of the camera, also it takes quite a lot of editing depending on where your location is and what you want from the photo.

My photos didn’t take too much editing because of the location it made the photos really grungy and it was just about changing the lighting in certain photos and maybe sharpening edges slightly to make them come out perfectly how I wanted them.


Ideas For Alter Ego

I looked at Jay Swingler who inspired me for this as most of his photos are dead grungy or they look like they are completely unplanned, which I hope mine look like too, so I tried to recreate his pieces as I thought that they were very interesting.

we found a grungy old car park in Rhyl which we used for a photoshoot which I thought was the perfect place for what I wanted, I could do more in different places, such as old abandoned buildings but I don’t want to risk being arrested for trespassing thats my only worry about going into abandoned building grounds, even though they make for really good photos, there is always a risk to it, but I think that would also make my photos a lot more interesting as they would change in the different locations and my attitude towards what I want would also change massively in my opinion.

My Alter Ego

The Alter Ego part and the famous photographer I wanted to copy is called Jay Swingler and I tried to re-create some of the photos he has uploaded to his instagram page as I thought they looked really cool yet simple to re-create and his style is dead easy to replicate as well. As his style is comfortable yet smart and some of the expressions he uses in his photos and even the way he is stood or not facing the camera is very effective. Image result for byjayswingler instagram Image result for byjayswingler instagramImage result for byjayswingler instagram

Task 3: Alter Ego: Famous Photographer

I didn’t use a famous photographer, I used a youtuber, who’s also interested in photography and most of his work is self portraits and his name is Jay Swingler, and I decided to sort of dress like him as he wears simple but smart clothes, such as tracksuit bottoms, a denim jacket and a hoodie and a pair of trainers, which is quite easy to replicate.

I like this guys work, because it’s simple but it’s really effective, and he uses smoke bombs and darkness, for effect in his photos.

Image result for by jay swingler instagram Image result for by jay swingler instagram

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