Dissertation film proposal

This film is about what i’m planning to write for my dissertation and i have added some videos that i also found online which are small documentaries about graffiti, and one is also a summary of the Banksy and Robbo graffiti feud, which then resulted in Robbo losing his life after he fell down a flight of stairs and was put into a coma and later died 4 years later.

This subject is what I really enjoy because of the amount of expression you can have within this subject. I believe that you should appreciate graffiti, rather than seeing it as vandalism, because in my eyes it is art and it is what the artist wants you to see, sometimes it may only be there name tagged on a random wall, train, lorry etc. The vast amount graffiti is being produced is actually quite mind blowing, i didn’t actually realise how big the scene was until i started researching into it more.

In the video I have also explained why i want to delve into this subject and how i believe it should be appreciated and what i like about it but obviously i will go into more detail about it when it comes to my dissertation as I have more words to be able to talk about it.

This is one of the videos i have used clips from in my own film as it goes into depth a bit more than i can and it also talks about Leake Street Tunnel which is a legal graffiti space and I have also visited there the last couple of times I have visited London as I love the work and the whole vibe around the place and next time if i do get a chance to go again i will definitely try to spray my own tag somewhere in the tunnel.

this is the second video i used, but i took the sound out of it and used my own dialogue over the slides as i have seen the full documentary and was able to talk about it, but this short video is just a brief overview of why the feud started in the first place.

This is a brief film on my dissertation, where i briefly talk about what i want to talk about in my dissertation basing it mostly on graffiti, because i feel like it needs to be appreciated more and as an art, yes in some places it is definitely vandalism, but on a legal wall it should be classed as art compared to vandalism, because most graffiti artists are all self taught, hardly any of them have gone to art school or university to study art it is based on their passion compared to anything else.

This first film you see is the first edit i did of the film and i should have watched it through before uploading it really but after i had watched it all through i realised that it needed some fine tuning and re editing to make it flow better and to make more sense.

This is the re edit of my film, there is only slight differences between them both but i feel that this one flows a lot smoother and makes a lot more sense compared to the first one and that it hasn’t made a huge difference (the fine tuning that i’ve done!), but it has made a difference and i think you can see it if you watch the videos one after another.

Contextual Studies Presentation

This presentation is about what I’m thinking of basing my dissertation in my third year on, I want to try and keep on the lines of the graffiti side of things because it’s what I enjoy most when I take photos. This side of things really interests me as I have an interest in art and see graffiti as an art compared to people seeing it as a vandalism.

This dissertation will be difficult but I think I will enjoy it because of the vast amount of subjects that I could end up writing about the vast amount of graffiti that is around, artists being commissioned for work, the graffiti war that happened between Banksy and Robbo, whether people think it is an art or an act of vandalism the list is endless.


Mark McGowan – Research

Mark McGowan is an artist I found when I was looking at urban photographers who mostly photograph street art and graffiti and McGowans work really intrigued me as it was very similar to how I take my photos and I really enjoyed McGowans work.

He mostly photographs around Liverpool and the surrounding areas and he specialises in architecture, graffiti and urban landscapes, McGowans work has been exhibited as part of the fab collective’s ‘up to something’ exhibition at the Mash art cafe in St Helens, and he has also held his own exhibition in Liverpool as part of Liverpool’s Annual Light Event.

Contextual Studies 2 – Essay

This is my essay for contextual studies for the second year, where it is a position statement about myself, so it wasn’t hard to write but it wasn’t easy either, because sometimes it’s hard to talk about yourself for an essay or even a video blog. But i’ve learnt a lot about myself by doing this essay compared to doing contextual studies last year.

Contextual Studies 2 Essay


Research – Nightscape

This guy really inspires me, because he is an amazing photographer and videographer because of him being an urban explorer it makes for really interesting photography and films, he also uses a lot of drone shots in his videos, he climbs a lot of highrise buildings or cranes or anything high up, so his shots are amazing and most of them aren’t very highly edited.


This is the link to his channel where he uploads all of his videos, but then he also has an instagram page where all his photos go up as well, and i’m really fond of his work because of how unique it is and how much he doesn’t fear what he does, which makes it quite inspiring in my opinion.

Image result for nightscape

Research – Ian Cox

For my position statement i have been told to write about myself and the reason i do the work and produce the work i do and how and why i do it, this subject is quite a hard yet easy thing to talk about because effectively, it’s a personal portfolio but with a slight bit of research. But, the main problem i have is finding artists or people that inspired me because i do my work in my own unique way.

But, then i found Ian Cox’s work and found it really interesting and quite similar to the style of how i do my own work so that’s why i’ve used him as one of my inspirations into urban photography and street art photography because i see myself going down that route or in that sort of direction maybe portrait shooting, but always with an interesting background so it’s not just about the subject in the middle of the photo.

The difference between mine and Ian Cox’s work is that he only keeps a certain amount of colour in his, whilst i prefer to bring out the colour in my photos as i think it adds a lot to my photos compared to just depleting the colour but maybe he feels like it makes his photos more dramatic.

Image result for ian cox photographer

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