Future Prospects

Let’s get onto what my future prospects would be or what I would aspire to do, obviously, I would love to get a job in photography but because the whole industry is that competitive it’s not as easy as it sounds, the one thing that annoys me about people is when they say ‘photography is really easy, anyone can do it’, I believe the complete opposite since doing my course, I’ve appreciated the skill of photography and editing so much more.

But I think after I finish my degree, I’m just going to start looking for a full-time job in anything just to earn some money and maybe use my photography as a hobby because I think I will fall back in love with it if I was to do that, as I’ve slowly fallen out of love with it doing my degree because yes I have been able to express myself but I feel as though I am only working towards deadlines.

So, yes photography is still a love of mine, but I think I will end up just having it as a hobby because of how competitive the industry is and how hard it is to actually get a job but I would love one, but I also don’t want to put unnecessary stress on myself by trying to get a job in the industry when I can have less stress looking for a regular full-time job.


Tom Cheesewright

Tom is a writer, broadcaster, consultant and blogger, he considers himself a futurist, he works with big companies and asks the same 3 questions which are what are your plans for the future? what do you think is going to happen in the next 5 years? what do we do about it?

He first started believing in futurism after reading a book called the book of the future, he then took inspiration from this and started writing a blog named the same to talk about the future and what could happen and what questions to ask yourself.

He had his own business but then left because he wasn’t happy and made his blog being a futurist full time, futurism started around the cold war era so he believes in being a futurist and calls himself a futurist instead of a futurologist because he believes being a futurologist that means that you’ve studied something.

Tom feels as though futurism is growing but he doesn’t feel as though it is massively competitive but he felt as though he already had a head start because he already had a social media presence which he felt was really valuable and having experience has helped him a lot.

Social media presence is very important according to Tom because he says LinkedIn works very well to find work and compared to other social media websites like Twitter, Facebook because the algorithms are different when it comes to links for everything and there is a lot of difference when it comes to getting seen and getting yourself heard.

Julie Upmeyer

She is an artist who creates installations, sculptures, initiator, she is an international artist and creator, she has recently moved back from Instanbul back to Wales. She is a visual artist, ‘art consultant’, she enjoys bringing people together, bringing multiple different groups of people together.

Julie goes on to talk about artist residency and how you deal with being an artist in residence in a gallery, she also went to art school in Michigan, after graduating she went road tripping around America in a small dodge neon.

She offered to help in different art spaces for two or three days just to get to grips with what art was like outside of the university, where she met the leader of Rez artiz which is an international art organisation who help people get commissioned, and after this, she got offered a job and managed to get a residency in India because of who she met.

She then had to write out all the talks and then add it to rez artiz’ website, where she then asked for a job being there website editor where she worked at that job for 8 years and the way technology changed whilst she was in this job helped her create something different all the time.

She then stayed in Instanbul for 11 years, where she then met a circus performer/ performance artist and created a huge art space and studio with an international art residency space where they hosted about 40 artists a year.


I’ve made a brief invoice on a basic themed shoot and all my prices and what you would be charged for and how an invoice would look, and basic prices for prints and stuff like that.


This shows how my invoice would look and what I would charge for an hourly rate and the overall price and what an average shoot would cost to hire me for a couple of hours, and whether you want prints, or even stuff digitally that can be added to the invoice.

My Logo

So coming up with my logo, it took me a while to think of an idea of what to go for to make it eye-catching and easy to read and easy to understand what my photography is about, so I went online looking for different fonts that look similar to a type of graffiti writing.


The main idea behind this is that I usually just take photos of street art or I normally do street photography portraits because that is what interests me, so the main idea was having the spray can but I was going to put it inside a camera lens to make it look like graffiti photography, and the font I found I felt it worked really well because it came out exactly how I wanted it.

I tried it with a few different fonts first to see how it would work but this one ended up looking the best so that is why I went for it, as it looks sleek but also unique as well which is one of the main reasons why I chose the font.

Robert Corcoran – 73-degree films

Rob started 73-degree films, where they produce tv work, films and other things for the Wrexham area and around the world and he also does art producing and art-making, etc.

He works with various different companies to create films, and he helps the community to outreach to people where he helps people broaden their skills and help them out if they want to go into film or production.

He’s made a massive international film called Projekt z, with all different companies to create a conceptual film. He’s also worked with BBC sesh to create different sketches about completely random stuff.

He ran the filmmaking society whilst he was in university studying physics, so he created a series called drink drugs and social media, he’s also won awards for some of the films that he has made.

He made a huge film called you are invited to which is based all about Wrexham like a huge comedy of a film being made into a film in a way, so the concept was that Wrexham was a huge film set.

He was inspired mostly by a few different things, he used a thing called glassbarrelstudios in Birkenhead for his dissertation as a benefit for the community, un deg un was also a massive help to Rob because of the amount of influence it has had in the community, made television was also a massive help to Rob when it came to making his different films, and sign dance collective was major when it came to his films.

His influences are within the literature is Bret Easton Ellis, his favourite tv show is madmen, films Laurence anyways and fight club are just a couple of his favourite films. euphoria and too old to die young are also a couple of big influences that he has.

He works in 3rds in a way so he has a routine for every day where he answers emails and meets people in the first 3rd and then he creates in the 2nd 3rd and then in the last 3rd he thinks of ideas in the last 3rd.


Do stuff, so people can see then if they want to hire you by looking at stuff you have done previously.

Running a business, business wales, big ideas wales, Wrexham enterprise hub, start-up club, for stuff and help on getting businesses started or helping with stepping stones, etc.

building a career, portfolio work, work experience, networking, schemes, and funds, competitions.

The world is small! But this is just Rob’s opinion talking mostly about Wrexham compared to anywhere else.

Building a career from Wrexham, business freelancer | job applications schemes

Don’t get disheartened as you will be rejected but just keep applying to different things.


FACT Liverpool

I wasn’t quite sure about fact it was really bizarre especially the stuff that was in there, I didn’t really get what was going on and what the art was about it was just all a bit odd in my opinion.

Most of the pieces in there were also VR based so I couldn’t really look at them for long because my eyes started to hurt so I took the headset off and I just found it dead bizarre and there wasn’t really much explanation behind the pieces, so I couldn’t really get to grips on why and what they were about.

The lighting wasn’t great in there either but I attempted to do some long exposures to see how they would turn out and I actually really like the way they turned out because I think in a way they tell a story about how you should feel whilst you watch the films with the headset on.

But within the two galleries they were both really dark and you had to concentrate on stuff to really get to grips with it but I just didn’t get it at all so that’s why I didn’t enjoy fact as much this time compared to the first time I went.

RIBA Liverpool

This gallery was really interesting because it was mainly based on architecture and sculpture and the main exhibition was all made with wood and it had small figurines inside the wood carvings.

The different pieces there were all very different in shape and size but it made the exhibition really interesting compared to anything I’d seen before as I got some really nice photographs from different angles within the pieces.

These pieces are there as soon as you walk in and it’s a 3d model of Liverpool which I found really interesting and I wanted to get some nice angles on the photos and get the buildings in and the colours of the 3d model.

these two images above are of a stadium type build with little figurines in and I thought it would work really well as a photo for sub-framing by using the outside to look into the middle as a subframe.

But I found this exhibition really interesting and fun to look at because the opportunity with the pictures was also really good because of what you can do with it and how you can tell a story with the figurines by using the pictures.

My Website

I was given the task of creating a website as part of one of my modules, we first started using a website builder called portfoliobox, which is a good thing to start with but if you wanted to make a full-on website and make it look professional I wouldn’t recommend using it because it wasn’t the simplest of things to use either.

So I then went onto Squarespace and started to use that but then if I wanted to make my website seeable for the public I would have had to pay a lot more for the website than I did because I used Wix to create my website.

I called my website www.kjtphotos.com because it’s my initials and it’s a simple thing to remember as well which is also the reason why I wanted to make it memorable and catchy.

This is what the main homepage looks like, I wanted to make it eyecatching and easy to access and use so there are links at the top to different shots that I have done before and a few highlight shots and a small about page with my details and an enquiry aspect of it.

Screenshot 2020-02-24 at 19.57.15

This is the about page where there is a small paragraph about me and how I got into photography at a younger age, and within that page, there is my details and an enquiry box that is connected to my account email.

The Tate Liverpool

A few days ago, I and a friend visited the tate intrigued by what different art was in there this time compared to the last time that we went, it hadn’t changed drastically but there was some change in the art pieces that were in there.

Some were really odd and I didn’t really get what the art was about but I did notice there seemed to be more photography in there compared to last time I went there, so I was quite pleased and surprised by this aspect of it because it is normally sculpture and paintings that you see all the time.

As you can see there was a piece in there which contained these images where it was the alphabet in public which I thought was good for me because it in a way links to my work because in a way it is a type of graffiti as it is lettering on walls and signs around different places.

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