How I Got Here

I was given a task, where I had to talk to a camera about myself, as we were given questions to answer about ourselves and our course and our aspirations. So, I first stated what my name was, what course I was doing and where, then I started to talk about why I chose film and photography and what I love about film and photography.

Some of the questions were quite difficult to answer, because you were put on the spot as you were sat talking to a camera. A couple of the questions took a while for me to answer as one of them was ‘any achievements?’ and I couldn’t think but then I started to talk about how far I have developed to be able to get into university and then the other was ‘where do you see yourself in ten years?’ which seems a simple question to answer but, when your put on the spot it really isn’t, I just answered the obvious answer, successful, well paid, nice house, nice car etc.


The song on this video is:

NirvanaVEVO by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (


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