Photos of box from I am here project

This little box had a piece of paper in it with the word opportunity written endless amounts of times as I see the university as an endless road of opportunities that I’ll have whilst at university, because I feel it has already given me a lot of opportunities because I’ve met new people I’ve learned new skills and more.

I Am Here Project

The idea I wanted to develop, had a meaning behind it. It was a box full of opportunities that were endless. So, when I first started this idea, I attempted to make a box out of matches at first, but this idea didn’t work because I was struggling to stick the matches together, so i gave up initially with that idea. I then attempted to make a box out of light photography but that didn’t really work either because I couldn’t make the shape of the box out of light so I also gave up that idea.

So, being unsuccessful with this idea i decided to make a miniature box out of cardboard and decided to spray paint it. Forgetting that I had stuck the gloss side on the outside, to which the spray paint will not stick too, so after i had sprayed numerous amounts of layers of spray paint I decided to leave it to dry and see what the outcome would be in the morning.

After the box had dried and the spray paint was still on there. I decided to write the word opportunity on a piece of paper constantly which the concept behind the whole thing was that it was a small box with a large amount of endless opportunities. I enjoyed this concept because i believe that now I’m in university that the opportunities I will be able to have will be endless, to which I will take every opportunity i can get because iwillbe able to improve my portfolio massively and also it will give me a lot of experience, which employers are interested in.

i enjoyed doing this project, because we didn’t have a lot of time to do it so it put a bit of pressure on me to finish this project in time with the idea i wantedto pursue, even tough i probably won’t proceed with this idea, i will look at it every so often for reference and to maybe make me think about other ideas in a way and be able to branch out other ideas.


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